District 9
(Human version)
Private Commission

District 9
(Alien version)
Private Commission

District 9
He was an honest man, and he didn't deserve any of what happened to him.
Fundiswa Mhlanga
11 color regular & alien variant silk screen print inspired by a 2009 sci—fi film District 9. Director Neill Blomkamp teams with producer Peter Jackson for this tale of an extraterrestrial race forced to live in slum—like conditions on Earth suddenly finds a kindred spirit in a government agent who is exposed to their biotechnology...
Separations by Beffio Studio.
Fundiswa Mhlanga
11 color regular & alien variant silk screen print inspired by a 2009 sci—fi film District 9. Director Neill Blomkamp teams with producer Peter Jackson for this tale of an extraterrestrial race forced to live in slum—like conditions on Earth suddenly finds a kindred spirit in a government agent who is exposed to their biotechnology...
Separations by Beffio Studio.